Rethinking psycho-pedagogical advice from a specific educational service, the CRETDiC (Centre of educational resources for developmental and behaviour diseases)
Collaborative advice, Support network, Collaborative conversation, Demand, CoresponsibilityAbstract
This article locates the process from the beginning of the CRETDiC project in Tarragona and how it is articulated, in parallel with the reflection on what it means to advise and the role played by the psychologist of education in this process, as well as the importance of the context in which it is carried out. This followed itinerary articulates the claim for a conceptual framework to apply these reflections in the practice.
The text allows us an approach to several aspects that we consider essential in the advice: the participation of all the agents involved, the use of tools to emerge the uniqueness of students and the position of the psychologist of Education in a collaborative construction of the knowledge. In the paper, concepts such as collaborative conversation, co-responsibility, logical time, collaborative network and listening to the student's voice are articulated around the question-answer paradigm. From this point, the advice is proposed like a way to contribute to the creation of cohesive and reflective centres against the fragmentation and reactivity of today's society.
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