Support for students with special educational needs in secondary education


  • Juan de Vicente Abad Professor of educational orientation. Counselor at IES Miguel Catalán de Coslada



Equity, Inclusion, Transition, Coexistence, Care, Guidance


Our schools face the challenge of being effective learning instruments for all their students. Schools must start from the intrinsic diversity of any human group to design policies and actions that respond to the principle of equity. The educational proposals must include the students and respond to their differential needs, because teaching is helping each student learn.

 In this article we focus on four elements that confer quality to learning processes at school and that are especially useful for students with special educational needs. Organizing a school taking these aspects into account can help us take valuable steps towards that horizon of equity and inclusion. The four elements that we are going to break down are the following: the transition between primary and secondary school, the care of school coexistence, the accompaniment in the learning processes and the educational orientation. We try in the article to use the necessary level of specificity so that you can provide ideas and strategies on how to implement each of these elements. All the proposals that appear in the article respond to activities and projects already developed in secondary school and that have been evaluated very positively by students, families and teachers.


Álvarez Teruel, J. y Pareja Salinas J.M. (2011) ¿Es posible una transición pacífica? La transición educativa es una cuestión colectiva. Universidad de Alicante

De Vicente Abad, J. (2021) Convivencia restaurativa. Madrid: SM

Elizondo Carmona, C. (2021) Educación inclusiva en Inclusión acciones en primera persona. Barcelona: Graó.

Huguet Comelles, T. (2006) Aprender juntos en el aula. Barcelona: Graó,

Villascuesa Alejo, M.I. (2021) Convivencia en la escuela inclusiva en Inclusión: acciones en primera persona. Barcelona: Graó.





Professional practice