Institut Escola La Mina. A project always in transformation for equity and inclusion


  • Marta del Campo Casals Director of the La Mina School-Institute



Shared educational project, strategic plan , transformation , inclusion, equity, participation


The Institut Escola La Mina is a public school that is always in transformation, promoting the culture of continuous improvement, to achieve the educational success of all students. We are fully connected to the social environment to promote shared values and practices that generate participation and a sense of belonging and to promote experience-based and meaningful learning.

Our project, the strategic plan, contemplates the social and educational dimension of learning. We netwotk with agents of the environment, entities, associations to ensure the educability conditions and to guarantee the right to education of children and young people in the neighborhood. We understood the creation of the Institut Escola as an opportunity, as a commitment to change and improvement to adapt it to the needs of the neighborhood. An opportunity to share the project and move forward in terms of learning quality, considering the voices of our students and families.

We work as a team, with an emphasis on cooperation and participation, methodological innovation, attention to diversity, tutoring and academic guidance, harmonious relations at school and the involvement of families. We are an open, active, and inclusive Center, which has a committed teachers team, with high expectations in the classroom and that accompanies students and their families to advance in equal opportunities. The model of orientation, tutoring and attention to diversity of the Center becomes one of the key strategies of the project and one of the strengths because, as our vision expresses, "we want to be a Center that trains students who will become the main reference people and educational impellers of the neighborhood, in the future".


Bolívar, A. (2007). Competencias básicas y ciudadanas. Caleidoscopio. Revista de contenidos educativos del CEP de Jaén, nº1 , págs. 4-32

Consell Superior d’Avaluació del Sistema Educatiu (2012). Els instituts escola: aspectes organitzatius, curriculars i d’orientació. Col·lecció Documents. Departament d’Ensenyament. Generalitat de Catalunya. Barcelona.

Departament d’Educació (2007). Guia per elaborar i aplicar un pla estratègic. Generalitat de Catalunya. Barcelona.

Drucker, P. (1986). Las fronteras de la administración: donde las decisiones del mañana cobran forma hoy. Buenos Aires: Editorial Sudamericana.

Llei d'educació de Catalunya. Llei 12/2009, del 10 de juliol, d'educació. Barcelona.

Kotter, J. (1996). Leading Change. Boston: Harvard Bussines School Press





MONOGRAPHIC "life beyond school"