An experience of improving advising in a infant and primary school. 1.4

Psycho pedagogical advice -1.4


  • Ana Mª Monteagudo Cao EAP B-21 Sant Martí


Psycho pedagogical advice, Family


This project for the improvement of the educational practice of counseling is developed according to the general counseling strategy proposed by Lago and Onrubia (2011a). It took place in a school in Barcelona for children and primary education. The experience reflects the beginning and development of this project and as we believe may have contributed to improve the performance of teachers in the educational interventions related to the demand for collaboration that was formulated. The request was to collaborate in the elaboration of criteria and follow up of actions on "Norms, limits, habits and routines: fixing of concepts and projection of the school environment to the family environment". It includes how the working group was constituted and how the objectives were agreed upon, as well as the process of accompaniment during the different phases of the counseling process by the counselor of team of psycho pedagogical Consultation (EAP) psychologist referring to the center, and the evaluation of the same.


Lago, J. R., & Onrubia, J. (2011a). Asesoramiento psicopedagógico y mejora de la práctica educativa. Barcelona: Horsori, 2011.

Lago, J. R., & Onrubia, J. (2011b). Un modelo de asesoramiento para la mejora de las prácticas educativas. Dins E. Martín, & J. Onrubia (Coords.), Orientación educativa y procesos de innovación y mejora de la enseñanza (pp. 11-32). Barcelona. Graó.





Educational Psychology and Counselling