AURA Foundation, pioneers applying Supported Employment


  • Sara Plaza Pascual Labor program coordinator. AURA Foundation
  • Carme Llorens Pujós Care coordinator for participating individuals and families. AURA Foundation



Supported Employment, inclusion, training, AURA Fundació


The approval and ratification of the International Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in 2008 was a historic milestone, which explicitly established the right to work in an open, inclusive and accessible market.

AURA Fundació, created in 1989, was an entity pioneer in applying and disseminating labour inclusion by following the Supported Employment methodology. A 34 years long experience has proven that with this methodology we can help change the lives of many people.

We would like to emphasize that what helps people the most to carry out a good job placement process is to have acquired the basic transversal competences: autonomy, punctuality, ability to take care of one’s own image, good social skills, flexibility, adaptation to changes, respect to the rules and the authority, management of emotions... It is crucial that the aforementioned skills are considered, worked on and enhanced in educational and training stages, and that professionals realize that they have a very relevant role in the training and maturing process of their students, both in the present and in the future.

It is necessary to publicize job placement resources in order to make good referrals. The challenges, the new situations, the difficulties... is what helps us to continue improving in our work to care for the people who trust us: to accompany families in the different stages of life, to provide the answers that companies expect and to continue contributing to a fairer society in which everyone feels that they have a place, and where we know how to value and respect differences.


Mank, D. (1998).Valores y empleo para personas con discapacidad. Siglo Cero,29

O’Brien, J. (2003). La planificación centrada en la persona como factor de contribución en el cambio organizacional. Siglo Cero, 208.

Schalock, R.L. i Verdugo, M.A. (2013). Discapacidad e inclusión.Capítulo 19 Calidad de vida. Salamanca: Amarú.





MONOGRAPHIC "life beyond school"