Advising for the improvement of practice on oral language stimulation in infant school. Reflection and intervention from the classroom work. 1.5

Phycho pedagogical advice -1.5


  • Laura Herrero Periz EAP B-21 Sant Martí


Psycho pedagogical, Oral language, Difficulties


Language as a means of communication is developed in children in a social-relational context. The school contributes to this development significantly.

This article describes the experience carried out in a primary school with the whole team of early childhood education teachers with the basic objective of reflecting on the development of language in children and how to improve and take advantage of different educational situations to facilitate this development.

The counseling process carried out according to the model of professors J. Onrubia and J.R. Lago implied a joint reflection and an improvement in educational practice


Lago, J. R., &Onrubia, J. (2011a). Asesoramiento psicopedagógico y mejora de la práctica educativa. Barcelona: Horsori, 2011

Lago, J. R., &Onrubia, J. (2011b). Un modelo de asesoramiento para la mejora de las prácticas educativas. Dins E. Martín, & J. Onrubia (Coords.), Orientación educativa y procesos de innovación y mejora de la enseñanza(pp. 11-32). Barcelona. Graó.

Departament d’Ensenyament (2004): L’ús del llenguatge a l’escola: propostes d’intervenció per a l’alumnat amb dificultats de comunicació i llenguatge. Disponible al web:





Educational Psychology and Counselling