Guidance as a guarantee of inclusion. History of a case


  • Verónica Santos-Olmo Luján Headmaster of Institut Miquel Tarradell. Barcelona
  • Esther Gozálvez Varela School counselor of Institut Miquel Tarradell. Barcelona
  • Rosa Terrón Platero School counselor of Institut Miquel Tarradell. Barcelona



Educational guidance, inclusion, accompaniment, diversity, coexistence, individual tutoring


Guaranteeing equity, inclusion and support of students in their transition to adulthood is one of the priority objectives of the educational system, as well as one of the challenges of the entire educational community. This article presents the educational guidance actions carried out at the Institut Miquel Tarradell in the Raval neighborhood of Barcelona, which is  categorized as highly complex.

To achieve this objective, we start from the contextualization of the center and the analysis of the difficulties that students may encounter during the process of orientation and educational continuity, to give way to the explanation, in first person, of the practices developed at the center in matters of orientation. Emphasis is placed on the project of coexistence and individual tutoring as the backbone of its pedagogical focus, which helps to create links and social cohesion, but other practices that make up its identity features are also explained, such as connectivity with other entities in the neighborhood and networking. It is spoken from the experience of professionals who focus their efforts on the academic and personal support of students from an integrative and transversal perspective to address the diversity that surrounds them.

It is not intended to establish magic formulas, but rather to show the reality of this school. The practices described, therefore, must be understood in the context in which they are framed.


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MONOGRAPHIC “Social function of the school. Equity and inclusion”.