Usages and reviews of standardized tests i educational systems
Evaluation, Education, CurriculumAbstract
Currently, both locally and internationally, there is a growing importance and development of systems of educational evaluation. The inclusion of tests in education legislative initiatives, the development of evaluative strategies at different levels of the educational administration and international evaluation tests such as PISA are clear indicators of this expansion.
Although in general, the increase of this educational evaluation is somewhat positive, its development is being restricted mainly to a certain methodological perspective: systems of measurement of school performance through standard external examinations or standardized tests. Using one method of evaluation or another is not indifferent. Each method produces different evaluation products that may be more suitable for certain applications and therefore can also lead to different consequences in the evaluated objects, i.e., workplaces or in the educational systems.
School evaluation must be a conscious exercise and aware of the purposes that are intended, to be able to adapt the methods to its use. This article aims to contextualize the standardized tests and analyze the limits and the reviews of this kind of method studying the Spanish case. The text is structured in different sections: historical contextualization, definition and main features of the tests, major reviews and conclusion. Key words: Evaluation.
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