The rol of the educational domiciliary attention in case of a long-term school absenteeism. Networking


  • Francisco José Villar Lucas Teacher for Homecare. Secondary School Josep Serrat i Bonastre. Consorci de Barcelona


Prolonged absentism, School phobia, Individual home care, Diversification in education, Multiagency, Networking


In the following article, I make a reflection on my everyday educational practise as a domiciliary educational teacher of Secondary School at the centre “Josep Serrat i Bonastre” in Barcelona. Throughout this paper I will introduce the reader into the topic of long-term school absenteeism in some teenagers, frequently known as school refusal, the role of the domiciliary teacher and the importance of a good coordination between different kinds of professionals. This paper will be accompanied with the analysis and description of a real case of one of the students from the centre, all together with the therapeutic and educational process assumed until his recovering.


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Educational Psychology and Counselling