Anticipation as a measure to insure. Participation of students with hearing loss”


  • Carme Martínez Ruíz Educational Coordinator. Secondary School. Miquel Martí i Pol
  • Núria Sadurní Montell Speech Therapist. CREDA Baix Llobregat


Anticipation, Interaction, Inclusion, Participation, Hearing impairment, Deafness, Hearing disability, Incidental information, Divided attention


This paper provides an overview of an educational resource targeted at hearing impaired students at Miquel Martí i Pol secondary school, in Cornellà de Llobregat (Barcelona). The resource is called ‘anticipation’ and its main aim is to assure the full participation of hearing impaired students in the ordinary classroom. Within the framework of anticipation, hearing impaired students hold a session with a teacher to ‘anticipate’, that is, to go through the contents that will be provided later in the week at the ordinary classroom. The paper explains the reasons behind anticipation sessions, their objectives, way of organising, contents and process, as well as the positive feedback from all stakeholders.


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