Going deep in the therapeutic educational practice at a secondary school


  • Montse Ortiz Martín Professor of Educational counselling, Barcelona


Practice, Educational suport, Counselling, Emotions


Over the past courses, the significant demand of individual attention of students provided by the education-counselling departments has taken the author to see the necessity of analysing this situation. To work in the betterment of the conditions where such students stand, and in the improvement of the answers provided to all students in general, in terms of educational needs, does not only imply evaluating the interventions of school counselors, but it actually demands a revision of the actions performed from the various responsible departments. Accordingly, after an examination of the needs and demands of students, who were attended by the high school counselling department over the past course, the author of this article presents some intervention proposals on the line of the educationtherapeutical practices used, once significant improvements have been recorded on the students attended. Such proposals lay out changes on the concept of education centre: it is necessary that the centre becomes a place that wellcomes and brings emotional support, becoming an empowdering center. Establising and keeping an emotional and trustworthy bond with the student, and promoting respectful relationships between people and a feeling of belonging are general idees presented and developed herein, some of which are accompanied by intervention proposals within the class. The changes considered apply undoubtfully to all the areas of the teaching community: board of directors, tutors and teaching staff, administration staff, AMPA and the families. Consequently, it will be necessary to continue deepening on the actions that may be performed also outside the classroom in order that changes are made. Individual and collective reflection continues to be a key point in all this process.


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Educational Psychology and Counselling