Educational therapy intervention guidelines for secondary schools*
Direct work with Secondary students with behavioural problems requires a view of teaching practice that goes beyond the basic academic task. The essence of the educational-therapeutic intervention that the author proposes is to promote self-esteem and self-confidence in students, help them to establish or reestablish their confidence in the others; work on the comprehension and expression of their emotions and gradually build up trust and an affective relationship between teacher and student. Most of those students show aggressive attitudes and behaviour, which we also have to work on. It is not a question of repressing their aggressiveness, but to show them how to direct it in a positive rather than a destructive way. The author offers some guidelines and strategies as an example of her daily practice in a Secondary School. It is necessary to propose some changes in the organizational strategies in our schools and also in our teaching priorities, always keeping a professional and thoughtful approach.
[*El original de este artículo fue publicado en catalán en la revista Àmbits de Psicopedagogia núm 20, verano 2007]
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