Methodology TEACCH: proposal of intervention with children who suffer autism spectrum disorder in the Special Education Center Can Rigol


  • José Navas Sánchez Teacher of Special Education. Classroom tutor with TEA students and TEA coordinator at CEE Can Rigol
  • Aida Sardà Special Education Teacher. Classroom tutor with TEA students and TEA coordinator at CEE Can Rigol
  • Mònica Perea Special Education Teacher. Classroom tutor with TEA students. Department TEA in the CEE Can Rigol


In this article we explain how TEACCH methodology has been used within the parameters of Can Rigol’s School for Special Needs. This experience started off in 2011-2012 with a group of pupils with Austism Espectrum Disorder (ASD) in the first stage of the official educational degree. After obtaining excellent results, this methodology is going to be used with other three groups. This success is a consequence of taking in account the particular profile of the pupils and aiming to balance the concrete limitations that they show in their executive functionality.

In the development of this paper we explain the four essential components that must be present in the moment of introducing this methodology with ASD pupils: work systems, physical structure, schedules and visual structure.





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Educational Psychology and Counselling