"Nicajoana". A cooperative project of attention to diversity


  • Enric Font Director Vil.la Joana. Barcelona, Catalunya
  • Sandra Saénz Director Fray B. Casas. San Ramón, Nicaragua




Nicaragua, Support class, Inclusion, Professional connection, Case construction


As a result of a methodology based on case construction, a unique methodology used by Vil·la Joana Special School located in Barcelona on one hand, and the firm interest of the professionals of the Center to work with Nicaragua’s special education system on the other hand, arises "Nicajoana". This project looks forward to connect professionals who intend to enrich experiences in both centers: one Nicaraguan and the other Catalan, with the aim of improving daily practice of students with Special Education Needs. The project has several parts and a wealth of knowledge that goes beyond mere professional contact. It has helped both teams to understand concepts such as inclusion, the value of sensory and psychomotor working, considering each child as a unique case, and has opened the minds of all the professionals. The project has also collaborated in the inclusive work that the Center and the Educational Public Administration of Nicaragua are carrying out and, in addition, close ties have been created between professionals who are interested in improving the conditions for their students, whether they are Nicaraguan or Catalan.


Ubieto, J. Ramón (2012). La construcción del caso en el trabajo en red. Teoría y pràctica. Barcelona: Editorial UOC.

FAO (Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Agricultura y la Alimentación) (2019) Datos extraídos de www.fao.org/resilience/newsevents/detail/en/c/166584/ en febrero 2019.

OMS (Organización Mundial de la salud) (2017). Datos extraídos de www.paho.org/salud-en-las-americas-2017/?port_t_es=nicaragua&lang=es en febrero de 2019.

Wikipedia (2018). Datos extraídos de https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cruzada_Nacional_de_Alfabetizaci%C3%B3n.

Consultado en enero de 2019.

Ministerio de Salud de Nicaragua (2013). Datos extraídos de www.minsa.gob.ni/index.php/noticias/452-todos-con-voz-programa-exitoso-deatencion-integral-a-discapacitados. Consultado en febrero de 2019.

Ministerio de Educación de Nicaragua (2011). Datos extraídos de MINED, Plan Estratégico de educación 2011-2015. Disponible en https://nicaragua.gse.upenn.edu/sites/default/files/uploads/11MINED_Plan_Estrategico

_de_Education_2011-2015.pdf. Consultado en febrero de 2019.





Educational Psychology and Counselling