Understand the conflict to transform it


  • Enric Bolea Specific Educational Service for students with Developmental and Behavioral Disorders (SEETDIC-Baix Llobregat)


Generally, it's had a really negative image of the conflict: it's associated directly with the ideas of confrontation, clash and hostility. This negative idea is which produces fast answers or actuations, frequently precipitated in order to avoid the anguish they produce. The way in which we treat the topic in this text understands the conflict like something completely inherent to coexistence. This also coexists with the fact of being together in the centre. This being together is played in a common space in which each one is affected by the other one. And the features of each one will always lead to tense situations in the common space of coexistence. In the one that pretends to offer an overview of the concept and its treatment that can include a big variety of educational situations and types of students. Even though, the reflections will progressively focus in the students that show necessities ans requests associated with autistic spectrum disorders.


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Educational Psychology and Counselling