Reflecting on the functions of professionals of psychopedagogical consultation from an inclusive view


  • Javier Onrubia Barcelona University. Faculty of Psychology Departmental Section of Developmental and Educational Psychology
  • Marta Minguela Barcelona University. Faculty of Psychology Departmental Section of Developmental and Educational Psychology



psychopedagogical consultation, inclusive education, models of consultation, consultant's functions


The aim of this paper is to contribute to the reflection and discussion about the functions of professionals of psychopedagogical consultation. We focus on the functions that should be treated as a priority at a moment when inclusion is claimed to be a main goal for the educational system. We present a proposal of functions framed in an educational and constructivist model of psychopedagogical consultation. We argue that, to promote more inclusive schools and classrooms, we need to give priority to the functions that: (1) cross different aspects of teaching practices; (2) concern the institutional and collective decision-making processes related to the “ordinary” teaching practices; and (3) involve collaborative consultation to support the transformation and improvement of teaching practices.


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Educational Psychology and Counselling