Creating documents to manage students with behavior regulation problems


  • Anna Maria Fusté Planas
  • Emilia García Leiva
  • Cristina González Jiménez
  • Cristina Izquierdo Gómez
  • Montserrat Mas Arnau
  • Josepa Pubill Arnau
  • Joana Saez Ferré
  • Josepa Soriano Llorca
  • Javier Tarragó Prades
  • Valeria Laporte Breysee CSMIJ Parc Taulí
  • Gemma Pérez Clemente SEETDIC of the Vallès Occidental


In this article we aim to meet two objectives. On the one hand to show how from the creative work within the framework of a working group organized by the Pla de Formació de Zona. There is a reflection and work tools are created by students( in our case with behavioral problems). In addition to providing various professionals working with students with conduct disorder in high school. We have produced three documents, as a protocol, intended to meet and create links with students, how to intervene in times of crisis and managing conflicts in the classroom everyday.


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Educational Psychology and Counselling

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