From discipline to classroom management


  • Ramon Coma INS MARTA MATA, Montornès del Vallès
  • Núria Pratdesaba INS MARTA MATA, Montornès del Vallès
  • Andreu Montañés INS MARTA MATA, Montornès del Vallès


To reach the goal that students learn de competences they need for the life, we need a very good work’s ambient at the classroom. Teacher’s paper is very important for the pupils or the grups management but the good organitzation of the center and the team’s work of the teachers are also fundamental. We try to understand the reasons that, sometimes, make difficult the order in the class. They are also given some orientations that, objectively, contribute to benefit good rules of conduct and learning in the students by considerint that the preventive action is got through a good management of the class.


COMA, R. ; ALVAREZ, LL. (2005) Técnicas e instrumentos de evaluación psicopedagógica: En SÁNCHEZ CANO, m ; BONALS, J. : La evaluación psicopedagógica. Ed. Graó.

LUENGO, D. (2005) La ansiedad al descubierto. Paidós: Barcelona.

LURI, G. (2008) L’escola contra el món. L’optimisme és possible. Ed. La Campana: Barcelona

CARNÉ, M.; COMA, R.; PRATDESABA, N. (2010): Cap a organitzacions també competencials. Àmbits de Psicopedagogia. Núm. 30. Pàgs: 4-9.






Educational Psychology and Counselling