"The Shere.rom project": inclusive and transformative project


  • M. del Mar Aldámiz-Echevarría Iraúrgui Educational psychologist. EAP de Sant Martí-La Verneda
  • Rita Armejach Carreras Educational psychologist. EAP de Sant Martí-La Verneda
  • Amaya Cazorla Luengo Psychologist, member of the UAB DEHISI Research Group
  • Xavier Campos Ripollès Teacher of CEIP Concepción Arenal
  • Paqui Medina Fernández Teacher of CEIP Concepción Arenal
  • Esmeralda Ribes Sánchez Head of Studies of CEIP Concepción Arenal


The educational experience presented is a high-motivated tool to help students from a low social environment that shows special needs. This experience has taken place during the last 4 years in CEIP Concepción Arenal( Primary school) in the Besos neighborhood in Barcelona.

The team that has developed this experience is called DEHISI (Human development, social and intercultural research) from the Barcelona Autonoma University (Bellaterra). The main goals are to facilitate the cooperative learning, to motivate reading and writing learning, to increase metacognitives abilities (anticipate, planning, regulation) to use digital technologies as a social inclusion tool to reduce the drop out, and to train teachers in an inclusive approach to education.

Once a week in the regular school time, the classroom teacher meets with the university students, these are supervised for the DEHISI coordinated, which gives support to them as needed to run the multilevel activities in the project. The article has been organized into complementary parts: the project view from educations service (EAP) , from one of the schools where the project has been implemented and from DEHISI (UAB).


Lalueza, L.L; Bria, M, Crespo, I; Sánchez, S; Luque, M.J. (20049): La educación como creación de microculturas. De la comunidad local a la red virtual. Interactive Educational Multimedia. N. 9, 16-31. http://www.ub.es/multimedia/iem/down/c9/Education_and_microcultures_(SPA).pdf

Crespo,I; Lalueza, J.L. (2003): Culturas minoritarias, educación y comunidad. En M.A. Essomba (ed.) . Educación e inclusión social de inmigrados y minorías. Tejer redes de sentido compartido. Barcelona. PRAXIS.

http://xtec.cat/centres/a8002587 (Página web del CEIP Concepción Arenal: per a veure materials clicar a ”Espai@ Flash.rom”)






Educational Psychology and Counselling