A proposal for the schooling of foreign students with NEE
This article is a synthesis of the Comenius Project "The schooling of foreign immigrant students with SEN" (Barcelona 2000-2003). It frames the factors to keep in mind in identifying the needs of foreign students with disabilities at the time of joining our educational system, the identification process, the instruments for evaluation and the planning of the educational response.
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SUPORTS. Revista Catalana d'Educació Especial i Atenció a la diversitat: Escoles Efectives. Volum 2. Número 1 / Currículum escolar i atenció a la diversitat. Volum 3 número 2 / L'educació especial a Catalunya. Volum 4. Número 2 / L'escola Inclusiva (1/2). Volum 5/6 número ½
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