Boys and girls with Generalized Development Disorder. A first approach


  • Mª Carmen Rodríguez Jordana Psychopedagogical advisor, EAP Cornellà del Llobregat-Sant Joan Despí


The present text has been done with the aim of sharing knowledge about kids with autistic spectrum disorder. It is a document open to the commentaries and contributions to all those who care on the education of this kind of pupils.

The text has been structured taking in consideration the following capacities: personal and socail autonomy, movement capacities, knowledge capacities, and language and communication autonomies. In each of them, with the goal of guiding the first description and evaluation. A specific observation line has been introduced. Finally, there are some commentaries about the way that these pupils learn.


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STANTON, M. (2002): Convivir con el autismo. Barcelona. Paidós Ibérica.

WING, L. EVERARD M.P. y otros (1989): Autismo infantil. Aspectos médicos y educativos. Madrid. Santillana.

VILOCA. LL. (2003): El niño autista. Detección evolución y tratamiento. Barcelona. CEAC






Educational Psychology and Counselling