The Social Psychopedagogy


  • Maria Irene Maluf Pedagogue licensed in Special Education. Specialist in Clinical Psychopedagogy. Vice President of the Associação Brasileira de Psicopedagogía Nacional. Editor of the magazine Psicopedagogia. Honorary member of the Associação Portuguesa de Psicopedagogos


This article covers some aspects of the social character of the Psychopedagogy, beginning with basic concepts of this profession / area / science, focusing the professional that works in this field, his / her functions and the scope and repercussion of his / her work in the social ambience.

The statement that the Psychopedagogy has a social value, be it exercised in the professional’s practice – at school, at the hospital or at the company – is justified by the explanation of one of its greatest goals, which is of facilitating the insertion of the person in the social ambience by seeking to develop his / her independence to learn and live in society.

This work discusses school and family issues that are, by and in itself, part of the social context, though on a lesser scale. Thus the psychopedadogue must become a professional utterly conscious of his / her undeniable social function.


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Educational Psychology and Counselling