Sector work at EAP: “NETWORKING” in sectors with risk conditions


  • Rosa Casellas Codina Psychopedagogue at the EAP Gironès Oest
  • Maribel Ministral Morillo Psychopedagogue at the EAP Gironès Oest


Why do we consider it relevant to propose sector work in relation to the work of the educational psychologist at school? From the ecological perspective, we start from the basis that there is a relationship between the child and her parents that cannot be understood without taking into account how the conditions of the social and school environment affect her.
If there is a place where networking becomes truly important, it is in those sectors where we find risky conditions. As an example, we present two sector work experiences, the result of diverse needs.

Regarding the role of the Psychopedagogical Advisory Team (EAP), we can draw some conclusions that help us weave work proposals in sectors where the creation of a network is essential. In this sense, some questions arise: what should be our objectives when we work in a network? How do we network? How do we act from a methodological point of view? How do we manage resources? What are the aspects that hinder networking?
We believe that networking, and especially in sectors where risk conditions exist, enables professionals to produce positive changes in microsystems, and perhaps also in macrosystems, in the medium and long term.


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Educational Psychology and Counselling