Relations in Telepolis. The change in relationship patterns that occurred after the 2020 lockdown


  • Àlex Martínez Educational Counselor of the EAP B-27 of Montmeló
  • Maria Àngels Armengol Educational Counselor of the EAP B-03 Sants-Montjuic



Relational changes, Inequality, Inclusion


The pandemic situation has created different scenarios at the family and educational level that have generated changes in social relations. Actions have increased in the third environment, Telépolis, which is governed by the use of technologies and thus changing the space and time of interaction.

Social relationships and interactions are restricted and modulated by technology. The digital divide has emerged promoting educational inequalities for both social issues and those related to the Specific Needs for Educational Support, as well as the difficulties of adapting a face-to-face system to the current telematic need.


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Decret 150/2017. Diari Oficial de la Generalitat de Catalunya, Barcelona, 17 d’Octubre de 2017.

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Professional and personal experiences [RELATIONSHIPS DURING THE PANDEMIC]