Networking and emotional accompaniment in 0-3 year old schools


  • Rosa Mas Ramis Pedagogue, Teaching Technical Advisor Conselleria d’Educació i Formació Professional de les Illes Balears
  • Arnau Francesc Pascual Vallespir Psychologist, Technical Teaching Advisor Conselleria d’Educació i Formació Professional de les Illes Balears



Networking, Emotional support, 0-3 years, COVID-19


This article aims at presenting an experience of networking: Accompanying 0-3 year old schools in the first quarter of the 2020-2021 academic year, due to the uncertainties caused by COVID-19. This accompaniment was held by the technical teaching advisers of the Institute for the Education of the Early Childhood (IEPI) of the Conselleria of Education and Professional Training of the Balearic Islands.

The main objective of this experience was to strengthen the management and organizational capacities of the principals of 0-3 year old schools in the time of COVID 19, as well as the accompaniment and support of their emotional care and that of their teams.

The participants were the managing teams of 0-3 year old schools in the Balearic Islands (divided into 6 working groups), representatives of the Early Care Teams (EAP), the General board of Public Health and Participation together with the Educovid coordination team in Mallorca, Menorca, Ibiza and Formentera.

This accompaniment consisted of four sessions for each group, held during the first term of the academic year (September-December 2020), assuming one meeting per group every three weeks. Emotional support has been the essential tool in this networking that has strengthened its management and organizational skills, as well as the support of their emotional care and that of their teams.





Professional and personal experiences [NETWORKS]