Critical incidents and identity profiles of academic counselors in Colombia: Cases analysis


  • Andrea Vargas Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona - Doctorate in Educational Psychology
  • Paula Mayoral Serrat Universitat Ramon Llull. Faculty of Psychology, Educational Sciences and Sport, Blanquerna
  • Maribel Cano Ortiz Universitat Ramon Llull. Faculty of Psychology, Educational Sciences and Sport, Blanquerna
  • Ivonne Adriana Raballaty Universidad de la Salle



Academic counseling; learning experiences; professional identity; critical incidents, Academic counselling, Learning experiences, Professional identity, Critical incidents


The aim of this article is to describe the critical incidents of a group of academic counselors, their identity profiles and learning experiences regarding the critical incidents faced during an academic counseling program, developed in Bogotá, Colombia. The sample consisted of 13 counselors who accompanied 117 public educational institutions, each with nine centers to be with. In this research, the characteristics of a qualitative descriptive-explanatory study were considered and the multimodal interview model was used. Critical incidents found during the training period mostly report difficulties with organization and time management. Regarding the critical incidents present during the counseling to educational institutions, the difficulties due to communicative factors between the different actors for understanding of roles, tasks and the resistance that teachers and the management team presented in general to the counseling stand out. Counselors define their professional identity mainly under the profiles of facilitator, mentor and trainer. Finally we found learning experiences related to the management of counseling techniques and one's own knowledge. The results show the counselors' training needs both in the specific disciplinary field of counseling and in the management of their own emotions. It is also shown that bringing to light the critical incidents present in academic advising contexts fosters dialogic spaces that promote discussions around the functions, identity and learning experiences of advisers.

Author Biographies

Andrea Vargas, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona - Doctorate in Educational Psychology

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Department of Basic, Evolutionary and Educational Psychology.

PhD student in Educational Psychology at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Master in education with emphasis on management and educational evaluation. University professor and academic advisor for educational institutions with experience in design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of pedagogical projects. Scholarship holder of the Passport to Science program. Focus-society, country challenges- ICETEX. No.0211128809-0-2018. Colfuturo Scholar. No. 52805749-2018.

Paula Mayoral Serrat, Universitat Ramon Llull. Faculty of Psychology, Educational Sciences and Sport, Blanquerna

Doctor in Psychology. Professor and researcher at the Department of Psychology at the Blanquerna Faculty of Psychology, Education and Sports Sciences. Psychopedagogical Advisor of the SAIP - Service of Counseling and Psychopedagogical Intervention of the Ramon Llull University. She is an expert in processes of change and educational innovation, attention to diversity, collaborative learning and evaluation to learn.

Maribel Cano Ortiz , Universitat Ramon Llull. Faculty of Psychology, Educational Sciences and Sport, Blanquerna

Doctor in Psychology. Associate Professor of the Department of Educational and Development Psychology of the Faculty of Psychology, Educational Sciences and Sports, Blanquerna (URL, Barcelona). She is a member of the SINTE_Lest Research group (Interuniversity Research Seminar on Teaching and Learning Strategies). She is an expert in argumentation, critical thinking, counseling and psychopedagogical intervention and identity.

Ivonne Adriana Raballaty , Universidad de la Salle

Political scientist with an emphasis in international relations from the National University of Colombia, Master in Latin American Studies with a major in communication from the University of Salamanca, Spain. She is currently studying the specialization in Media and Politics of the virtual training of CLACSO and FLACSO Brazil


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Educational Psychology and Counselling