Interventions to bring family and school closer when the relationship is difficult


  • Joana Alegret Retired and consultant psychiatrist
  • Manel Gener Retired Educational Psychologist, EAP of Granollers



School-family relationship, Emotional field, Changing intervention, Mediation, Networking


This article, written as a result of a conversation, explains how the authors perceive the relationship between teachers and families when worries arise in the educational process of the students. From their analysis of the situation, the authors look for an interpretation of the problem that allows them to initiate an intervention. They share the idea that the definition of the situation between teachers and families may affect with different intensity the students’ behaviour. They lay the groundwork for an intervention model called “Conjunctive Intervention”. This is mediation when there is too much conflict or distance between school and family. It is emphasized that a good professional working network is necessary, centred around the care of children and teens.


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Educational Psychology and Counselling