Building bridges. How to accompany students with NESE (Specific Educational Support Needs) during the changes of stage


  • Eva Miró Martí Guidance counselor and pedagogical coordinator of the Joaquima Pla i Farreras Secondary School from Sant Cugat del Vallès



Changes are necessary throughout life, they allow the growth and development of a person. This learning process is developed in different educational stages that accompany the different maturing moments. Transitions from one stage to another are often moments of crisis, new adjustments, breaks ... for both children or young people and their families. In the case of students with specific needs for educational support (NESE), these changes may be more complex and concentrate situations of higher risk of vulnerability. This article brings a brief tour of the state of the current question regarding the educational itineraries of the students with NESE and, what are the desirable characteristics and the phases that the accompaniment process must have in order to make these transitions as positive as possible. The ultimate purpose is to build bridges to facilitate the way.



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MONOGRAPHIC "life beyond school"