Education, resistance and intersectionality: life story of a Venezuelan woman with Down Syndrome
Intersectionality, gender, migration, disability, identity, resistance, educationAbstract
This paper presents a biographical-narrative investigation that aims to elaborate the life history of Corina, a Venezuelan woman with Down Syndrome and, at the same time to know the impact that the different axes of oppression experienced have on her, both in the construction of their identity and resistance mechanisms, as well as in her educational experience and her adult life from an intersectional perspective.
Data are collected through biographical interviews and an interpretive analysis based on the Voice- Centered Relational Approach (VCR) is performed. Through Corina's voice, we immerse ourselves in an intense story that addresses, among other topics, uprooting, first love, art, professional deconstruction, harassment or segregation in the educational field. But, above all, Corina takes us to a stage full of possibilities, resistance and the desire to belong.
This research aims to be a sample of counter-hegemonic construction of identity and an invitation to personal and professional deconstruction, opening the door to issues such as the identification and understanding of the resistance exerted by historically oppressed groups, the lack of accessibility in educational research and, above all, the need to listen.
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