Community and education


  • Josep Amorós Contra Psychologist



cure, device, opening/closing, collaborative work, educational challenges


The task of educating individuals is complex and cannot be done by schools on their own, so it must be proposed within and with the collaboration of the community. In this part of this article, properties that describe the community are highlighted—describing both very specific services (e.g. educational, health-related, and social) as well as broader aspects that concern all inhabitants within a region such as a city, neighbourhood or community. Some of the purposes that make up the task of caring for others (knowledge, virtue, and well-being) are also analyzed, as well as various variables that can make collaborative work between them within and with the community possible (degree of closure or openness to the outside). In a second block, more focused on the educational field, some of the challenges and limitations that the school has to educate are raised, making it necessary to work together with the community.


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Educational Psychology and Counselling