Interdisciplinarity in Higher Education: perceptions of students and teachers
Interdisciplinarity, transdisciplinarity, higher education, case studyAbstract
The aim of the study presented here was to investigate the perceptions of students and university professors with regard to interdisciplinary projects involving undergraduate students from a range of different degree programs. An inter-degree teaching-learning scenario was created, with the participation of students enrolled in Education, Psychology, Physical Activity and Sport, Speech Therapy and Nursing programs. The activity used a case study methodology, and participants were given the task of resolving acase in an interdisciplinary way. The participants were 376 students and 26 professors from the different undergraduate programs. The instruments to collect the data on the students’ and professors’ perceptions of this interdisciplinary experience were two questionnaires made up of a series of closed Likert-type items as well as some open-ended questions that gave students and teachers the opportunity to express their opinions on some aspects of this inter-degree interdisciplinary practice. The results indicate a high degree of satisfaction with the activity. The students highlight as positive aspects the awareness of the need for joint work between different professionals. The professors highlight as positive aspects the great motivation displayed by the students while carrying out the activity, as well as the achievement of functional and meaningful learning by the students. We can conclude that interdisciplinary methodologies have the potential to promote situated, authentic and meaningful learning and to facilitate the development of professional skills.
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