The deployment of the violence-free schools plan in the Baix Llobregat. Collaborative vision and networking


  • Dolors Gispert Sala Education Inspector
  • Laura Clavijo Fernández psychopedagogist
  • Laura Börjesson Muñoz Social worker



violence, education, Networking, inquiry, Advice, Social work


In this article we present the creation of an EAP referents network in the Baix Llobregat area, following the deployment of the „Pla Escoles Lliures de Violència‟ (Dept. Educació). The network aims to debate, share, build, analyze and reflect upon the advisory professional practice to provide more quality and perspective to the actions we develop in different contexts and areas of intervention. A referents network has led us to build a cohesive and coherent action model through a space for reflection with key principles and a network intervention model.


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Practices in Inter-Service Networks

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