Restorative interventions to address bullying: Sabadell own model


  • Neus Camacho García
  • Mireia Núñez Cos
  • Eugenia García Roldan
  • Gemma Alonso Botella
  • Marta Canudas Escalé
  • Eva Pérez Jaén
  • Àngela Ramon Boixaderas Community Mediation Service of Sabadell City Council



Mediation, restorative practices, bullying, comprehensive intervention


From the Community Mediation Service of Sabadell, we have designed an intervention model in cases of bullying based on the restorative mediation principles. In order to put an end to situations of school abuse and help to find other ways to relate and improve the classroom climate. The intervention focuses on fulfilling the needs of the people affected by these behaviors and giving them a voice. It also involves the people who carry out the actions that are affecting others, from the ownership and damage repair perspective. Likewise, the work with the whole group seeks to restore relationships, the feeling of belonging to the educational community and the transformation of conflict.


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Practices in Inter-Service Networks