Students with behavioural regulation difficulties: current status and challenges


  • Imma Balart CRETDIC MVO
  • Marta Sadurní Professor of Evolutionary Psychology at the Department of Psychology.University of Girona
  • Marc Pérez-Burriel Associate Professor of Evolutionary Psychology at the Department of Psychology. University of Girona



Regulation difficulties, behaviour, childhood adversity, emotions, teacher-student relationship, educational network, discussion groups, affective human bonds, psycho-educational teams


Behaviour regulation difficulties are an issue of concern for teachers. This is because of the complexity of the educational intervention. In this paper we attempt to explore its causes and origins to guide how to deal with it. We felt it was important to give a voice to professionals with extensive experience in dealing with these students: primary and secondary school teachers, educational counsellors from the Psychopedagogical Guidance Team (EAP) and professionals working at the Educational Resource Centre for Students with Developmental and Behavioural Disorders (CRETDIC). All of them took part in discussion groups and gave us their opinions. This helped us to better understand the challenges they face and to guide us in the care and counselling of these pupils.
From the results obtained, we highlight the need for spaces of accompaniment and reflection among teachers, creating teams that work together. It is a priority to encourage the expression and validation of the uncertainties that often arise when dealing with these pupils, to transform the emotions experienced by teachers, such as fear or anger, into an understanding, based on mentalisation, of the discomfort caused by dysregulated behaviour. In this sense, we emphasize the need to create bonds of trust between the teacher and the student as a basis for any intervention, although we note the difficulty that in order to achieve this bond it is necessary to create special conditions, since these bonds do not usually occur naturally.


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Conceptualization of child , youth and school violence,