Behavior and its disorders


  • Josep Amorós Contra Psychologist. Coordinator of the CRETDIC Barcelona-city


Conduct/ behavior, Act, Symptom, Disorder


Behavioural conduct and its diverse forms of expression, be these more or less regulated, is a recurrent topic of interest and concern in a wide range of study fields (education, mental health) However, the words used to discuss this topic (regulation, disorder, disruptive) also vary and offer diverse meanings. This article presents three objectives: (a) to describe and explain what we intend to say about behavioural and behavioural disorders (b) explain some concepts and ideas that can help us to understand what behavioural conduct is in itself its meaning, and the variables that combine to represent the concept itself (the body, identity, the relationship between variables and between thought and action, amongst others) (c) to differentiate between the consideration of behavioural conduct and its deregulation, on one hand as symptom of the subject and on the other hand as a disorder.


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Educational Psychology and Counselling