Detection of risk factors in the school environment: pilot study


  • Lourdes Busquets General sanitary psychologist and psychotherapist CDIAP
  • Marta Jodar General sanitary psychologist
  • Anna Ascaso Child and adolescent psychologist
  • Iris García Psychologist
  • Glòria Jofresa Teacher and speech therapist
  • Pietat Ortíz Pedagogue, therapist and specialized educator
  • Jordi Artigue Clinical psychologist. Associate professor of Psychology, University of Barcelona
  • Eulàlia Arias Clinical psychologist of the Carrilet Treatment, Training and Research Service. Professor FPCEE Blanquerna-URL
  • Gemma Sala Psychologist CDIAP


Early detection, Prevention, Risk factors, School, Emotional maturity


Introduction: The school is a natural environment where we can detect the early factors of risk in infant development. Preventive work is essential in order to implement resources as soon as possible. Main objective: To detect the risk factors of students aged 3 to 11 years old at a school. EPPO Methodology: Psycho pedagogical studies have been carried out on Preschool, First and Sixth grade elementary children and in this case the LISMEN instrument has been used. The sample was formed by 50 children and their parents responded to a total of 32 LISMEN questionnaires. Results: The presence of adverse events in the first years of life can affect the development of the child. An early detection can help prevent learning disorders and difficulties of emotional maturation as well as in the development of attachment. Early detection can be performed adequately with the EPPO methodology compared to the LISMEN method. It has been shown that the EPPO methodology is more sensitive to the identification of the population at risk in this educational setting than the LISMEN method.


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Educational Psychology and Counselling

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