Marco Polo to the CEE PALAU. Didactic proposal to work on communicative diversity through basale’s theater


  • Eva Bitlloch Aurich Teacher, speech therapist and psychopedagogue
  • Maria Noguera Serra Teacher, speech therapist and psychopedagogue


CEE, Functional diversity, Communicative profiles, SAAC, Basale Stimulation, Sensory stimulation


Didactic proposal on how we have done the theater project in a CEE during a school year. It includes attention to the functional diversity of students from 12 to 20 years of age working on communication, Basale's gaze, artistic competence, new technologies, autonomy... It has been a project that has empowered all students and professionals high school.


Piaget, J. (1978): La Equilibración de las Estructuras Cognitivas. Problema central del Desarrollo. Editorial Siglo XXI. Madrid.

Bienstein, C; Fröhlich, A.(2003): Basale Stimulation in der Pflege. Kallmeyer, Hannover.

Baugmart ,D.; Johnson, J.; Helmstetter E.(1996): Sistemas alternativos de comunicación para personals con discapacidad. Alianza Psicología. Madrid.

Pasqual, A. (1996): Els viatges de Marco Polo. Micalet Teatre. Edicions Bromera. Barcelona.

Barba, N., Salomó, X. (2004): Em dic... Marco Polo. Ed. Parramón. Barcelona.





Professional practice