Bilingual education and inclusion in compulsory secondary education
Inclusion, educational inclusion, bilingual education, , educational programmes, secondary educationAbstract
Bilingual educational programmes are nowadays an important part of the different educational actions proposed and promoted by educational administrations and, therefore, used as tools designed and oriented to introduce aspects of innovation and improvement in the educational system. Implemented and developed widely in the last 20 years, they represent a priority action in the context of decentralized educational policies. From the inclusive perspective, two main currents are observed that lead to differentiated opinions about the contribution or not of this type of actions towards effective inclusive education. This research work with a mixed approach analyses, from an inclusive point of view, the bilingual educational programme in a school during compulsory secondary education levels. The case study relies on two tools: the analysis of the data after applying a questionnaire to teachers who teach or have taught in the programme and the historical statistics associated within the programme's database in the context of the school and the local educational administration. As a result, relevant conclusions and evidence are reflected, as well as interesting aspects of improvement that can be applied both to the programme itself in the context of the case analyzed (school), apart from various recommendations for improving the programme in a global basis.
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