Trauma in schools: intervention in crisis


  • Juan Carlos Barroso Sánchez Psychologist and advidsor of EAP B-01 Nou Barris (Barcelona)


Psycho-pedagogical advice, Emotions, Networking


This article is an approach to crisis intervention as a tool to attend with guidance and advice, different traumatic situations which may suffer members of an educational community in a school. The advice is based in offering emotional support to people who may need it; to councel and advice management team, teachers and non-teaching staff on the actions to be carried out during the first days after the traumatic situation; offer support to the families; coordination with other external services that may be involved in the intervention (emergency medical services and psychological and social services, medical centers and counseling centers of the public network in the area, ...). There is a defense of the role that multidisciplinary teams of guidance and educational psychology counseling have in the crisis intervention, due to the fact that they are known by the centres and, on the other hand, they have a clear knowledge of the schools organisation. It is given a brief description of the theoretical framework and its historical background. And also an explanation of the crisis intervention: the model in which it is based and levels of intervention. The article also talks about first psychological aid placed in the primary level of intervention. Afterwards, there is a concretisation of all of these into the context of a school and there is a description of the role that multidisciplinary teams have in this kind of intervention. Finally is a brief account of an intervention example from the point of view of these teams.


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Educational Psychology and Counselling