The networking for educational success in school for students with special educational needs


  • Belinda Siles School Mare de Déu del Rocío
  • Mª José Segura School Mare de Déu del Rocío
  • Cristina Petreñas Dept. Teaching and Educational Organisation, University of Barcelona
  • Ignasi Puigdellívol Dept. Teaching and Educational Organisation, University of Barcelona


Diversity management, Inclusive Education, educational support, Network


Ensure an inclusive education is one of the challenges pending in educational system, because it involves promoting equal access and equal outcomes for all children in regular schools, including children who have disabilities or serious damages for learning. Schools as Learning Communities, based on inclusive education, promote the learning contexts based on the diversity of interactions, the egalitarian dialogue and the community involvement in the learning process of children. These schools are the inclusive context that we have analysed in order to know the transformation of diversity attention and especially, the transformation of educational support for students with special educational needs. The data obtained show a lack of monopolization of the responsibility for support from special education teacher, extending it to the entire community. So, we identify different educational support agents. This educational support is offered in the context of mainstream classroom and is planned to promote the best learning for the children with special needs. An educational support, which is diversified and involves multiple agents, promotes a complex and global context for educational support. Therefore it needs a systematic and coherent network where all educational support agents are involved. We present how to systematize and concrete this network through Diversity Attention Commission, and we show the impact that coordination between different agents has in the academic progress of children who have more difficulties.


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Educational Psychology and Counselling

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