Reframing the school. The Funds of Identity project in an Open Center of "Ciudad Meridiana", Barcelona (FICAB)
Adolescence, Attention to diversity, Inclusive education, PracticeAbstract
The “Funds of Identity in an Open Center of `ciudad meridiana´, Barcelona” project (FIOCB) is inspired by the methodology and principles of action-research program known as Funs of Knowledge (Esteban- Guitart, 2011) and Identity (Esteban-Guitart & Moll, 2014). The project has involved six participants aged between 15 and 17 years of distinct social and cultural origin. The project was developed through 9 sessions. Several techniques such as identity song or learning spiral were used in order to detect and use the students’ identity. We conclude with the development of a poster that integrates various identity texts of the participants about the sense of school and education.
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