EXCLUSION / INCLUSION: The origin and the persistence of the despotism by other media


  • Carlos Skliar FLACSO / CONICET, Argentina


Inclusive education, Society, Educational psychology, Disabilities


In this article, the author offers a deep and personal review of the concept of normality from its origins, and its influences on the ideas and practices of exclusion or inclusion. According to Skliar, the concept of normality arises from a dry, specialized and distant knowledge, which is also rational, haughty and arrogant and that he considers out of the world. To this out of the world knowledge, the author opposes another one, a more uncomfortable, unstable, fragmentary, contingent and provisional status that involves a certain condition of perplexity and ignorance, without limits or labels.
Throughout the article, Skliar exposes the consequences of this conception of normality, such as the mere fact of considering deviation or pathology everything that is not reflected in this constructed and intangible idea. Skliar proposes to rescue singularity and patience to deconstruct that hegemonic fictional knowledge on the normal body, normal language, normal behaviour or normal learning.





Educational Psychology and Counselling