Approach to leadership pedagogy of counselors in the educational centers
Orientation, Skills, TeachingAbstract
Educational leadership is currently understood as a global approach to the distribution and sharing of responsibility in a school, with the aim of fostering educational change and innovation. From this perspective, counseling and counselors are key elements in the development and promotion of comprehensive, personalized education. Counselors and counseling departments are bodies aimed at fostering teachers’ professional development, helping them to resolve any difficulties they may encounter in their efforts to improve their teaching practice. This in turn fosters a sense of collective responsibility by establishing a climate of exchange and agreement among the teaching staff regarding both their desire to improve students' competence learning and the configuration of their training project. Counselors therefore need to have a series of professional skills and competences, including strategic skills to enable them to foster and manage processes of change and implement improvement programs effectively. They also act as tutors, through different mentoring and professional practice supervision programs. All this is aimed at fostering the professional development of teaching staff, advising and facilitating research teams focusing on the educational innovations set in motion in the school to ensure high-quality learning and the configuration of personal and professional projects among students.
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