Organized and violent youth groups, a complex phenomenon


  • Mossos d'Esquadra Relationship office with the community. Nou Barris. RPM Barcelona. Policia de la Generalitat


The main objective of this article is to facilitate contextual elements that allow us to understand the social, educational, personal and criminal circumstances that drive certain teen youths to become a part of these violent and organized youth groups, otherwise known as gangs. As well as determine the need and viability of a coordinated effort between the various departments, institutions and entities involved, with the common goal of disfavouring and preventing the recruitment of new members. Many of the stereotypes and prejudices surrounding the gangs that can be found in the Barcelona Metropolitan Area and throughout Catalonia, will have been dissipated in the intent to explain what motivates these youths to want to become a part of a gang or a violent youth group. We find ourselves immersed in a complex phenomenon where we could easily grant the violent youth groups found in Catalonia, the same traits and behaviours of those found elsewhere. We’re not only referring to a criminally rooted problem where a group of youngsters decide to get together and commit criminal offences, as much as we are to a group of youths who lack affection and the right kind of attention from their adult peers. In conclusion, we have a socially and criminally related problem that, from a policing standpoint, must worry us without creating alarm.






Educational Psychology and Counselling