The Orientation Network in El Prat: a structured collaborative working space of the city for the transition from school to work


  • Ferran Sentís Vayreda Psychopedagogical advisor and director of the EAP del Prat de Llobregat. Coordinator of the Guidance Network.
  • Carme Villén Pérez Education Technique of the City Council of El Prat de Llobregat. Coordinator of the Guidance Network


The orientation network in the city of El Prat de Llobregat is a collaborative work experience associated with the two administration authorities – the Generalitat de Catalunya’s Education Department and the Local Government’s Education Council -, schools, entities and city services. All of them work together to improve the academic and professional orientation and the transition of young people to professionalizing educational processes and the working world. This article describes the process that has been followed in this collaborative work experience, how is network working

organized and it also includes some considerations for its



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Professional practice