Does it compensate the school? (How does it think?) Some responses to educational needs in a "complex" environment
Diversity, Educational Response at the NESE, Psychopedagogical advice, highly complex school, Immigration, SaltAbstract
This article aims to clarify the close collaboration between the Counseling Team for Psychopedagogical Support (EAP) in Gironès area and a high-complex primary school, Escola El Pla in Salt. It explains the characteristics of the mentioned school and the model of the psychopedagogical support proposed by the EAP. In this complex context and taking into account most of the shared principles, two actions are being described in order to answer the challenges raised by the intervention zone. A specific program is explained, guided by the EAP of the Gironès and developed by Center for Educational Resources for the Auditory Deficiency (CERAD) of Girona, "Escoltem com Parlen" (Listen how they talk), which promotes the empowerment of teachers to make students the true stimulators of their own oral language, one of the most important shortcomings in the boys and girls in this school. The other action that is described is the creation of a Commission for the Evaluation, Intervention and Monitoring (CAIS) in order to handle in a shared and collaborative way, among all the teaching staff and the specialists, the needs of the NESE students in the school. It has been created to focus on how, who and when evaluation, intervention and monitoring of the students in need takes place.
All in all in order to be able to answer the initial question included in the title: Does the school balance out all the needs suggested by its students and the ones that teachers have, as education professionals working in a complicated context?
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