. Attention to diversity. The ethical model of the inclusive and guidance-oriented school


  • Jordi Carmona Mestre
  • Mercè Olivé Mestra




Attention to diversity, Inclusion, Inclusive School


Talking about education quality, equity of opportunities, inclusion and no discrimination is already something from the past. Even talking about inclusive schools: because a school is inclusive or it is unfair. Unfair schools must not exist. Changes are necessary and urgent changes are required today. We must change the general conception of the school, its organization and what education means. It is essential to rely on respect for children and adolescents, whatever their characteristics are. We have to ensure their rights to universal access to peer education programmes. We are all diverse and our society is unique for everyone. We have to give students equal educational opportunities in a society capable of including and embracing families and communities. There is no other way if we do not want to fall into exclusion. Inclusive schools are a right and teachers must be good professionals. They have to be culturally competent to create a supportive environment and prepare all students for their responsibilities in an interdependent world. Changes must also reach schools and teacher training universities. In conclusion, good teachers are needed in well-prepared schools.





Educational Psychology and Counselling