Research-Action in the transformation of a center towards inclusion


  • María José Bataller Mira CEFIRE Specific for Inclusive Education of the Valencian Community
  • Ana Angulo Fernández-Pacheco CEFIRE Specific for Inclusive Education of the Valencian Community
  • Miguel Angel Gimeno School CRA Benavites Quart de les Valls



Collaborative work, Orientation and Curriculum, Support networks, Interprofessional cooperation


The monograph presented here reflects the whole transformation process that a center of the Valencian Community has passed. The Grouped Rural Center (Centro Rural Agrupado - CRA) Benavites -Quart de les Valls, is considered a benchmark in our region when speaking about inclusive school. We show how the policies, cultures and practices of the inclusive school can be brought to reality, in a process that is constantly changing, based on research and action, and with the participation of the entire educational community. In this sense, it is necessary to work with the close environment, open the doors of the center to the context and strengthen teacher training, to build the school we want, a more inclusive school everyday.

At the present time, the CRA continues training the educational community with the collaboration of the Universitat Jaume I and the CEFIRE Specific for Inclusive Education. In particular, CEFIRE Specific for Inclusive Education of the Valencian Community is now a collaborator in this training and at the same time is developing a research project which analyzes the model of orientation that we need in the new paradigm of the inclusive school.

If the values, structure and practices change, the orientation team has to adapt to the new model, to work cooperatively and make possible the presence, participation and learning of all students from a perspective of cooperation and advice throughout the Teaching and learning process.




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Educational Psychology and Counselling