10 years of Adolescent Day Hospital Classrooms; building pedagogical optimism within mental health


  • Isabel Arenas Ponsa Teacher of the Mataró Adolescent Day Hospital Classroom of the Department of Education of the Generalitat de Catalunya at the Hospital de Mataró
  • Marina Batlle Ballana Coordinator of "Serveis Educatius i Formació Permanent dels Serveis Territorials MVO" (Maresme Vallès Oriental) of the Department of Education of the Generalitat de Catalunya
  • Rosa Maria Belana Vallcaneras Teacher of the Granollers Teenage Day Hospital Classroom of the Department of Education of the Generalitat de Catalunya at the Hospital Sant Joan de Déu
  • Sofia Picado Yañez Teacher of the Mollet Teenage Day Hospital Classroom of the Department of Education of the Generalitat de Catalunya at the Hospital Sant Joan de Déu




Learning, Linking, Inclusion, Network, Community


This article aims to describe the pedagogical reflections of teachers of the Adolescent Day Hospitals (ADH) in the MaresmeVallès Oriental area, taking advantage of the 10-year period since the Granollers ADH was opened. It is intended to highlight those more constructive and favorable elements of the re-linking of our students with their school centers, emphasizing the importance of the look and pedagogical optimism in the educational approach.


Alsina, G; Gard, S. (2014). La intervenció positiva. Ensenyar habilitats a infants i adolescents amb dificultats de regulació del comportament i les emocions. Butlletí d’Infància, 79, juny.

Geddes,H. (2010). El apego en el aula. Relación entre las primeras experiencias infantiles, el bienestar emocional y el rendimiento escolar. Barcelona, Graó.





Professional practice