From the LOGSE to the LEC: reflections on the evolution of advice and psychopedagogical intervention in Catalonia


  • César Coll Department of Evolutionary Psychology and Education. Faculty of Psychology. Barcelona University


The article presents some thoughts in the context of the evolution of the psychopedagogical advice and intervention in Catalunya from the moment of its institutionalization with the LOGSE. The main argument is that the integration of the psychopedagogical advice within the broader educational system has had some important consequences influencing its development and evolution. On the one hand, this integration has provided stability and continuity to the subsystem of psychopedagogical advice and has allowed it to grow. On the other hand, the integration has made this subsystem specially sensitive to the impact of the changes and challenges tackled by the educational system during this period. Otherwise the integration has also led some accommodation and adjustment problems that are not yet fully resolved. These problems arise, for example, in the diversity of models of organization of the advisory services or in the discussion about the unification of the educational services. The author's thesis is that, in order to achieve a good match, there should be further progress in the acknowledgment and respect for the specificity of the psychopedagogical advice and intervention, as well as in the adequacy of this specificity to the demands and to the purposes of the broader educational system.


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Educational Psychology and Counselling